Tuesday 12 March 2013

Closing of the famous Old Darnley Lodge Hotel

On the 7th March 2011 Seamus McEnaney was introduced to the staff as the person taking over the hotel, with Peter McKeown being the General Manager promising the staff a bright new future.
At the close of business on Wednesday 16th January Mr Peter McKeown Director of Mitrespor Ltd/General Manager informed one member of staff that the Hotel would close permanently in one hour. Since that time neither Peter McKeown nor Seamus McEnaney have been in contact or have been able to be contacted either party.
The staff has not received any information regarding our Statutory Entitlements (redundancy, holiday pay, hours owed etc.)
The staff of the Old Darnley Lodge Hotel were calling on Peter McKeown GM/Director of Mitrespor Ltd to provide all the necessary paperwork for staff to receive their redundancy payments and entitlements.
Since Wednesday the 16th of January, the staff have remained on the premises and do not intend to leave until they get clarification and firm commitment that our entitlements are paid in full. 

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